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Dream home

June 7, 2024

I haven’t checked that lottery ticket yet. I need a day or two to indulge myself in make believe.

When Mike and I first bought this house in 1996, there was a second growth woods at the end of our then dead end road. There was a lovely trail through it down to the village which I often used.

Several years later an asshole went in and clearcut the whole thing, leaving a moonscape in its place. I wept.

Some years after that the land was purchased by a developer, who wanted it rezoned as residential so he could create five 20-acre lots. His request was denied by the local trust, launching a saga which concluded a couple of years ago with the land being subdivided into 20 five-acre lots. And a connector road built from the end of my once dead end street down to the village. As far as I know, none of these lots has yet to be sold, although I could be wrong.

One was turned into what I suppose would be called a show lot. A proper driveway leading to a cleared lot. Not that this was of any interest to me. And then a few days ago, as I was driving up the connector, I glanced over and realised this show lot at least was high enough up to probably have a nice view. So I turned and drove down the long driveway to have a look.

It is a nice lot.

And it does have a nice view.

It also seems to have a well head, which is a bonus.

Although that might be the pipe for pumping out the septic tank. Not sure.

Imagine the house I could have built on this lot if that lottery ticket is worth $56 million. No, not a monster home. Basically the same house I have now, but with a bigger, beautifully fitted kitchen, a beautiful diningroom, a bigger livingroom, a bathroom with a proper soaker tub, built in bookcases, an actual study, not to mention the big, covered deck facing that view. And a fenced garden for the dog. Just imagine.

And that’s what I am going to do for a day or two before confirming the months’ old lottery ticket is ‘not a winner’.


PS Just checked the listing. $550,000 and it is a well head. No septic tank yet, although a site has been identified for one. Big sales pitch: “Ocean view!” Hmm. Well, yes, you can see the water, but I’d hardly call it an ocean view. More of a mountain view with some water, which is fine by me.

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One Comment
  1. mimse8 permalink

    Fingers crossed!

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